However, the ecological
consequences of frequent, prescribed fires on below-ground microbial community
composition and, as a consequence, the long-term impact of repeated burning on
soil health, have not been deciphered. This is not unexpected - it's hard to
study the diversity of an ecosystem that remains hidden from view, belowground
in the soil. The 'dark ecology' of ecosystems remains virtually
unexplored, but new tools are changing this. Our new paper - led by La Trobe
Research Fellow Dr Eleonora Egidi - has just been published (early
online) in FEMS
Microbiology Letters, and sheds some light on the impacts of
fire on soil biota.
To understand the
relationship between fire and the soil mycobiome, we conducted the first
analysis of the soil fungal communities in native Themeda triandra-dominated
grasslands undergoing regular burning in temperate Australia. The mycobiome was
characterized in relation to Fire-Frequency (1, 2, >3 yr long-term fire intervals) and Time-Since-Last-Fire. The
impact of these fire parameters on fungal community composition, richness and
diversity was quantified by MiSeq Illumina sequencing of PCR-amplified nuclear
rRNA ITS1 fragments to assess indirect and direct effects of prescribed fires.
Our first impressive
finding was that we found 503 OTUs in grassland soils. There are approx. 10X more entities in the soil than the number of species observed in the standing vegetation. While we could not put
names on the entities in the soil, our sequencing allowed us to discriminate
between taxonomic units and hence, give an indication of the diversity of life
occurring under the vegetation. Ascomycota were the most
abundant OTUs. Members of the Ascomycota are commonly known as the sac fungi or
ascomycetes and they are the largest phylum of Fungi. Members of the
Glomeromycota were also common - 167 of the 503 OTUs. This group is important
as they form arbuscular mycorrhizas (AMs) with the roots of land plants.
We found that the fungal
community composition was influenced by fire regime (frequency) moreso
than time-since-last fire. Overall, the change in composition was related to
small changes in relative abundance of common taxa and to more dramatic changes
in frequency of lower abundance taxa, implying a general resilience of the
fungal community to fire disturbance. Several OTUs present in low fire
frequency samples (>3 yr burning) were not found in the frequently (annual)
burnt samples, and vice versa, suggesting that they may represent
fire-sensitive and fire-resistant taxa respectively.
Soil microbes represent
the majority of biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems and are clearly a
diverse component of temperate native grasslands. Because they are intimately
involved in ecosystem functions, we suggest that changes in fungal community
composition should be taken into account when assessing the impact of land
management strategies in temperate grasslands, and we now have (relatively cheap) sequencing technology to do this. It goes without saying, but there is still much to be learnt.
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